Thursday, September 29, 2011

Rays, Red Sox, Squirrels & Lions!

Greetings Lifers, 

On behalf of myself, I’d like to congratulate the 2011 Tampa Bay Rays on winning the wild-card playoff spot last night in “defies description” fashion, and while I am at it, I’d like to thank God for trusting me and the other Christ followers who root for the Team That Shall Not Be Mentioned with the trial we now face (the one where we try to comprehend what just happened to our team). I cling to James 1:2-4 and consider it all joy to be facing this test of my baseball allegiances and sensibilities – I trust that He will lead us into perseverance and make us mature, lacking nothing.

All spiritualizing aside, was that not the craziest night of baseball ever?

So now for something completely different – I watched a squirrel navigate a parking lot the other day from my perch inside the Subway I was sitting in. A funny creature, the squirrel – I watched for what had to be 2-3 minutes and took in these observations:
        -   Squirrels don’t blink. Like not at all. Their big brown eyes are constantly open.
        -   They pretty much move in 3-4 step bursts – hop, hop, hop, stop, sniff, pan the scene, repeat. Cautious critters, they are (Yoda sentence there).
        -   The varmint I was watching (wanna call him Rocky, after the Rocky and Bullwinkle Show? Sounds good to me...) stopped over a man hole cover that had some water pooled on its top. I witnessed my first ever squirrel drink, and even that was done wide-eyed and cautious.

I know – you’re reading and wondering about squirrel talk – where is this all heading? How about here – what can you and I learn from Rocky? As I saw him bug-eyed and 4-hopping through the parking lot, it occurred to me just how careless I can be as I go through life. And no, I'm not merely talking about parking lots. Spiritually speaking, I think victory over flesh and sin comes to those who are carefully navigating the potential pitfalls each one of us face. What I’m saying is that we could all stand to be a bit more perspicacious (SAT word) - vigilance is a Christian's best defense against mess.

So, are you in a situation in life that could lead you away from the righteousness of God? Does the place you work in or the people who work there have like tractor-beam powers over you and you're making right choices? Do you have that old sin pattern that gets triggered when you're in certain environments? Take a page from the Rocky playbook – eyes open, head on a swivel, 4-hopping through the potential mess-makers of life. What did Peter tell his readers about our adversary?

8 Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.                                         1 Peter 5:8

Y’all are careful in the parking lot, you hear? See you this weekend.


Bay Life Garden Work Day! This Saturday, October 1 8:30 am – 12 pm
Everyone welcome – we need you!!
Any amount of time you can be here will be appreciated. Meet in the back of the Worship Center at our garden.
Handy items to bring with you:
            Garden gloves
            Lawn Chair
            Water Bottle

At the INFOdesk this week:

  • Welcome to the Nursery class – Oct 9 | after the 11:30 am service
  • Bloodmobile – Oct 9 | after services in the Cry Room
  • Bay Life Kids Drama Clinic – Oct 9 | 1:30 pm in the Student Center
  • Kids First Step Class – Oct 16 | 10 am in Rm 606
  • Welcome Lunch – Oct 16 | 1 pm in the loft register at the INFOdesk
  • Worship Night & Artist Forum – Oct 16 | 7 pm in the Worship Center
  • Christmas Event Drama Auditions – Oct 22 | 9 am in the Worship Center

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Choose “AWE” Over “AWWW”

Greetings Lifers,

What is it called when one word can mean at least two different things, depending on the context/spelling? You know, like someone can be “right” when they turn “right”, but the first use of right means “correct” and the second is the “opposite of left”. Or how about getting “left” because you failed to turn “left”? I know when you use a word the wrong way it’s called a malapropism, but I can’t remember the word for this lingual phenomenon. Hang on – that’s why God made Google (be right back).

Back – and I found it. Homonym – a word that sounds (and is usually spelled) the same but has different meanings. I knew there was a word for it. Okay, so why the grammar lesson? I’ll tell you.

In my personal experience, I find that my life is shaped by which side I choose this particular homonym I am thinking of, especially when things that I would rather not have to live through come into my life. Here’s what I mean - my flesh looks at my troubles and immediately says. “AWWW!” as in, “Aww man, why did this have to happen to me now?” When I choose this side of the homonym, I trend in the direction of self pity and disappointment with God and His plan. Now, since trials almost always spin off into more trials (have you noticed this? Job loss leads to money crunch leads to marital angst leads to personal anger leads to words I wish I could take back... getting the picture?), I find that this path leads to innumerable “AWWW’s”, each one acting as a shovel to dirt, digging deeper the hole of discouragement. This is certainly a choice we have the right to make, but my take on the Scriptures is that this “AWWW” is not what God had in mind for us when He sent His Son for our sakes. In fact, Jesus came and died so that we could live out of the other side of this homonym.

He came that we might live in AWE.

Same word (except for the “e”), but something completely different from the flesh “AWWW”. Essentially, when you and I face life's messes, we choose between “AWWW” or “AWE”. When we stay in awe of what God has done, is doing, and will accomplish in our lives through our mess, we go through messes clinging to Him rather than angry at Him. The early church in Acts 2:43 was filled with this kind of awe, and it altered the way they handled their things and each other. Awe made them generous, allowing them to see past their own needs to the needs of their brothers and sisters, and gave them a perspective in life that lead to peace, even when things weren’t peaceful. What else could make a guy like Stephen preach the gospel so clearly that his incensed listeners picked up rocks and threw them at him? He was in awe of his Savior, so much so that his own well being came a distant second. Is this kind of awe what the apostle Paul was teaching the Philippians to pursue when he demanded that they be anxious for nothing but instead look to God in everything, asking Him for what they needed while thanking Him for what He had done (AWE alert!)? And is this kind of awe the source of the peace that surpasses human understanding (Philippians 4:6-7)? Methinks ‘tis true.

So, in whatever you face today, or in your tomorrow, or in your yesterday that has the residual strength to mess you up now, my simple prayer for you is this - that you will choose “AWE” over “AWWW” every time, by the grace of our awesome God who promises to walk us through our awful things. Blessings, my friends.


At the
·        Practical Prayer Training - Sep 25 | 1 pm in Rm 603 - all are welcome
·        Prayer Night - Sep 27 | 7 pm in the Student Center
·        Bloodmobile - Oct 9 | after all Sunday services
·        Kids First Step Class - Oct 16 | 10 am in Rm 606, register at the INFOdesk
·        Welcome Lunch - Oct 16 | 1 pm in Worship Center lobby

Thursday, September 8, 2011

God's Grace

Greetings Lifers,

What is up! Half-way through another Thursday – must be time for an email to you all. Which direction should we head in for this one? Light and airy? Solemn and introspective? Revelatory and detailed? A combo of all three? I don’t know – may be I’ll just type and see where this goes.

How about we start, finish, and find our middle in the inestimable grace of God, no matter which of the previous tones prevails?

Truth be told, God’s grace is smack-dab in the middle of every mood, emotion, and circumstance that we face, regardless of its positive or negative vibe. What I mean is that everything we are is rooted in, wrapped around, and heading into the grace of God. In Him we live and move and have our being (Acts 17) - and all because of grace. He has truly given us beyond what we could ever merit.

I find His grace more evident in the good times, don’t you? It’s hard not to, especially if you’re just coming out of a period of life where things haven’t been so great. You know what I'm talking about? That break you’ve been waiting for finally arrives and you can point to nothing else except the grace of God as it cause. It’s like someone turns the “God volume up to 11” and you’re hemmed in on all sides by His love and mercy and grace.

But then there are those not-so-great times, right? The times where God’s grace seems all but invisible, unperceivable to the afflicted and unattainable to boot. But I am reminded over and over again that “grace unseen” is not the same as “grace not at all”. Grace gurgles just below the surface of our calamities, like a huge oil field hidden beneath a lifeless desert. All we see is desolation, but God is working behind (and beneath) our scene as He prepares a gusher of grace for the exact time we need it. His grace may come in the form of complete deliverance, but more often I find that it takes the form of a reprieve, a brief but welcome respite from the desert so that we can refuel and have enough to face whatever is coming next.

Ah, but make no mistake – the grace is there. It’s the heart beat of the Christian life – in fact, take a second to put you pointer finger on your carotid (that’s the artery in your neck, in case you’ve blocked out freshman year anatomy class). Feel that pulse beating? As sure as you heart is pumping blood through your veins, so God is pushing His grace to and through your soul, always, without ceasing. His grace makes us go. Praise God for His amazing grace. Amen.

Now for some more of what God is doing around here at Bay Life, I turn it over to my stellar assistant Beverly – see you Sunday (or Saturday night). Bring your friends with you!


  • Welcome Lunch | Sunday, Sep 18 @ 1 pm, lobby - register at the INFOdesk
  • Community Garden at Bay Life | Sep 24 & 25 - informational meeting after services
  • Practical Prayer Training | Sep 25 @ 1 pm Rm 603 - open to all
  • Life Group Bonus Training | Sep 25 6:30 pm, the loft
  • Prayer Night | Sep 27 @ 7 pm, Family Chapel

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Prayer Requests for a Couple of Lifers

Greetings Lifers,

Normally I start our Thursday email off with some pleasantries and small talk and then progress to a pithy anecdote on life with Christ from my recent experiences. Not so much today. I write soliciting your prayers for a couple of Lifers. Many of you have been here long enough to know and love Steve and Lindsay Frissell and their kids. Steve served here for years in our youth ministry before eventually ending up at a church in Texas. Their daughter Madison is a freshman in high school now and has bravely faced some recent surgeries that sought to correct an issue in her sternum (a metal bar was inserted to keep it from growing incorrectly and affecting her vital organs).

I just received word from their current Pastor that Madison has developed an infection since her surgery that is pretty serious and may require the removal of the previously inserted bar. Here’s an excerpt from the email I received.

“They saw their doctor this morning; he is doing some x-rays and any other diagnostics necessary to determine the source of the infection. They were hopeful yesterday that the infection was being caused by the stitches from Madi’s surgery a few weeks ago to insert a bar behind her sternum. But their doctor told them today that he is concerned and that there is a possibility that they will have to take the bar out of her chest if the infection is found there.  This would not be good news obviously, and Steve and Lindsay are, understandably, struggling.  Please pray…

-          For the infection NOT to be anywhere that would cause the bar to need to come out.

-          That the Dr.s can figure out the source and prescribe a swift course of action to heal the infection

-          For the whole family, (Steve, Lindsay, Madison, Reagan, McKinley and Harrison) comfort, grace, rest in their souls

-          For protection and encouragement for Madi.  (I’m not sure how much she knows about all this, so don’t be posting anything about this on Facebook right now).”

Steve’s parents (Rick and Denise) could use our prayers as well.

I said a couple of Lifers need prayer – Randy Buchholtz (the elder who prayed this past Sunday at the beginning of our services) is continuing his ongoing battle with cancer (a type of lymphoma) and is setting down to another treatment today. Prayers for his healing and for peace for him and his wife Susan (and daughter Deanne) are much needed.

I figured that these needs are a bit more pressing than you pondering my ruminations. More of that next week.

P.S.    The 10 o’clock service is almost full – some of us Lifers who frequent that time need to move to one of our other services (Saturday at 6, Sunday at 8:30 or 11:30) to make sure that folks visiting our church at the 10 o'clock have seats in that service. Pray about it. See you this weekend!



Free blood pressure check – Sunday September 11 | after the 10 & 11:30 am services in the Cry Room
Welcome Lunch - Sunday, September 18 1 pm | Register at the INFOdesk 
Community Garden on sight at Bay Life | Informational meeting after services on September 24 & 25
Practical Prayer Training – September 25 1 pm | Modular room 603 open to all
Life Group Bonus Training – September 25 6:30 pm | in the loft
Prayer Night – September 27 | 7 pm in the Student Center